Thursday, August 1, 2013

This long March to August

Hello there, dear fellow sojourner on life's path.  If this is your first time here, thanks for clicking.  Welcome to a world of rusty swing sets, dirty dishes, cluttered closets, tubs filled with wet toys (some most unfortunately plush), books half read and beads half said.  It's a place of love I call home.

It has also been a place of loss since just before Easter, when I had a second trimester miscarriage.  I now have some idea of the triumph and tragedy of having a child in heaven.  I did not have her here long, but long enough to know that the greatest loss can somehow also be the greatest gift, one that cannot be lost.

This was the month she would have been born.  So it is inevitable that I will be diverging somewhat from the "red hotness" of this blogathon theme.  Unless you count that her nickname "Pepper" is plenty hot in itself. From her short boisterous activity here and from the way her short life has changed me, I feel she certainly has the chutzpah to bridge a mere thing like time as she happily spends life in eternity.

Not that I just talk about mommyhood and theology... Sure I can talk about sex, which seems to be where this theme is directing us.  I mean, I've had six children.  Please.  Let's get real here.

So if you're looking for that er.... keep looking!  I'll come up with something non-prudish and funny but Catholic, since we apparently have the corner of the market on that.    Indeed.  Who knew?

For now, I will close with a verse from Scripture, which is how I usually try to end my posts.  My reason for doing this is primarily a selfish one: it may be the only time today I think a quasi-elevated thought, something that rises above the elements mentioned in my opening paragraph.  For me, it's worth taking the time to look at my compass, and think of where God is leading me today, right now, starting with the end of this post. May you all find signs of His love in your day.

"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17


  1. I so incredibly sorry for your loss. Bless your heart.


  2. It was your name that got me here. I'm a lactating Catholic too, and I live in far away India. I am so sorry to read about the loss of your baby. God bless her soul.
    I have only two kids, but the chaos and the craziness that is the stuff of your everyday life is the stuff of mine too.
    I look forward to catching up on your posts through this month. Am taking up the challenge of posting every day too, but I'm not sure how long I'll last.

  3. Thanks for stopping by here ladies; great to meet you and looking forward to reading you both! Good luck... you can last it! :)

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