Saturday, June 8, 2013


I'm feeling a bit discouraged today.  You see, just before we were planning to go to a friend's house for an outdoor party, I took my laundry downstairs, and realized that the bottom step was submerged.  This is rarely a good sign.

Our house was built on the less than firm foundation of a natural spring.  I cannot query the relative sanity of the builders since they are likely deceased, the house being constructed in 1932.  I do not understand why this was done.  But because it was done, the house was equipped with French drains, and a permanent "sump pump" which (is supposed to) automatically turn on when water is present.  This has happened for the seven years we have been in this house.  Yet following yesterday's heavy rains, not today, though my husband tells me it was working last night before he went to bed.

As I am not inclined to wade through the seven inches of water in our cellar, I'm not yet sure how bad the damage is yet.  While anything stored downstairs rests on pallets for the one or two inches that occasionally appears, I'm not sure if our washer, dryer, or boiler has survived the flood. Which is stressful.

I put down the hamper and sat on the lowest dry step, observing the new aquatic floor.  It was oddly peaceful.  Briefly I envisioned getting out a raft to explore the whole basement area, a sort of Venice-like experience.  Think I'll wait for Dan to come home instead, and see if he can work magic on the failed machine.  Either way, we're looking at days of clean-up work...

Today and yesterday, Catholics celebrated the feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Paintings depict His with a crown of thorns and hers with flowers, both with flame, symbolizing love.  Simply put, these two days we reflect on the love of God for us, and the love of His mother for us, her adopted children.  Based on John 19:26, it is interpreted that we, along with the apostle John, were given over to her care on the cross when Jesus said, "Woman, behold your son; son, behold your mother"; a statement seen as more universal than a temporary caretaking situation for Mary... that all of us are also cared for by the woman who God chose as His mom, and that she intercedes for us as she did at Cana.  Because Jesus has a soft spot for His mom, you know...

Therefore Mary, intercede with your Son in your motherly care and tell Him, as you did at Cana, that we have a problem that needs His attention... though please, no, don't have Him turn this into wine, as I do believe that would be worse.  :)  And yes, dear Jesus, I go directly to you with this problem, and ask for grace and wisdom and strength and help to part our mini Red Sea and again find dry land.

Will keep you all updated...  Shopping for pumps is commencing shortly.

"He leads me beside still waters [but also:)] He restores my soul." Psalm 23:2


  1. Oh no!! Hate that! Our cellar used to flood so bad we had a second sump pump put in.

    Wonder if there's a way to tap that natural spring...?

    1. Ah I wish! I could bottle my own water, hee hee. :) At least the sump pump seems to be working. Getting better...

  2. Thanks to everyone for your offers of pumps... I could have had at least six if I needed them! You're the best. We got a new one permanently installed and it has done the job... we're still working on doing ours (the mucking out.) But the worst is over! I hope. Thank you! :)

  3. Oh, honey! Yoicks!! Our basement flooded all the time growing up, I remember wading in it with my brother when we were small . . . all very well to think it's fun unless you're at the head of the cleanup effort, yeah?
